Related show
- Artist: Dan & Al
- Date: 17/12/2017
- Time: 8:00pm
- Venue: The Corner Hotel
- City: Richmond
- Address: 57 Swan St
- Venue phone: (03) 9427 7300
- Country: Australia
- Admission: $19.84
- Age restrictions: No Minors
- Box office: 1300 724 867
- Notes: Dan and Al have been playing music together since 1989. They almost died on a number of occasions because of playing too much. By God it was much. Much much too much. Assuredly yes it became too much. Less they cried. LESS please! Sure enough it is once a year now. Thank the Lord. Yep. You heard me. Once a year. At the Corner Hotel. That’s it. If you want to see them. Freak.
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