Today’s theme was ‘Imagination’.
It seemed timely, given the state of the world, to revisit John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’. I’ve never been one for playing the obvious ones but, as I said, something drew me back to the Lennon classic that week…
I learned the song on Friday, and by Sunday the song had really seeped into my skin.
One word from JVG on the show and I was off on a rant – it’d been a long time since I’d really bared my inner thoughts and feelings on air – but I let loose…
My brother Josh texted me after the show to inform me that it was the anniversary of the release of the album, Imagine. That very day. I’m not a religious man, but it was spooky how much my blood was rising that afternoon…
Violin – Jane Hendry ; Bass – Nathan Farrelly; Accordion – Dave Evans; Vocals & Guitar – Dan Warner
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