Related show
- Artist: Dan Warner & Friends
- Date: 02/07/2016
- Time: 6:00pm
- Venue: The Gasometer Hotel
- City: Collingwood , Victoria
- Address: 484 Smith St
- Venue phone: 9416 3335
- Country: Australia
- Admission: $0
- Age restrictions: No Minors
- Box office: 9416 3335
- Notes: DAN’S PARTY! It’s Election Night – we’re putting on a show in the front bar of the Gaso to coincide with the start of the vote count at 6pm. MC is Jimmo ‘The Apparatchik Magnet’ Carden. Musos include Dan Warner, Marcel Borrack and Jane Hendry. Come dressed as your favourite Aussie political figure. I vote Marcel as Don Dunstan and Jane as Caroline Chisolm.
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